

ArtRage: Wave of Colors


Demam Cricket

Ternyata summer di Oz emang waktu yang cocok buat maen Cricket. Selain cuacanya yang mendukung, summer juga pas buat olah raga ini karena maennya emang lama. Dari mulai test match sampai yang saat ini sedang “in”, Commonwealth Bank Series.

Pertama denger cabang olah raga ini kebayang permainan kasti atau baseball. Mirip memang, tapi aturannya sedikit beda. Dan yang Β bikin gila, permainannya bisa lebih dari satu hari untuk satu permainan aja. Emang beda dari olah raga yang lain. Pertanyaan yang sempet timbul pas liat pertama kali, kok penontonnya sabar ya liat olah raga ini?? πŸ˜•

Penasaran gimana caranya olah raga ini dimainkan, akhirnya punya kesempatan untuk nonton langsung walaupun cuma lewat TV. hehehe… Pertama kali nonton waktu test match antara Oz vs India, kesannya bikin bingung. Udah dua hari kok belum selesai juga maennya πŸ˜› Baru mulai ngeh pas liat pertandingan yang ke sekian kalinya antara Oz vs India waktu di T20 series (gak tau ada berapa banyak series :D). Ternyata, olah raga ini simpel, walaupun belum yakin apakah pemahaman saya benar. Makanya belum yakin untuk menuliskan aturannya di sini. Tapi sebagai review pertandingan terakhir bisa diliat di video berikut

Ngerti? hehehe… gak yakin ^^

*ditulis pas nonton Oz vs Sri Langka, 3/50 untuk Oz πŸ˜›






Trends, WordPress

Minds: My First Theme

It’s been long time since I married and made my thumblog site with my wife several months ago. It’s also been long period since I made several changes to my portfolio web especially in the content session. Yes, content is the hardest part of making website as it isn’t my expertise. However, I made it successfully using other theme πŸ˜›

In this short post, I’d like to introduce and share about my first WP theme, it is called Minds. Honestly it isn’t compact theme, it’s just a child theme of TwentyEleven theme and it was inspired by HUM. I only made several modification into its appearance. It is originally made by Daryl Koop from Automattic. You can read more about the modification here. An if you would like to use it as your theme you can download it on my Box.

That’s all! What a short post! isn’t? πŸ˜€

Inspiration, Story, WordPress

Heu heu… Parantos Lila Geuning!!!

“Lila geuning” ha ha!!! thats sundanese phrase was flashing on my mind when I read this blog again πŸ˜€

Today and several days ago, I walked around this blog. I’ve just noticed that it has been over a year since I posted the last article about WordCamp Indonesia 2010. And you know, I’ve already attended that annual event 4 days ago at Bumi Sangkuriang, Bandung. It was the third event since was held three years ago in Indonesia. Continue reading
